Des liens affectifs et professionnels m'attachent depuis des années au Japon.

La triple catastrophe que le pays a subi à present a disparu du radar des actualités en français.
On se propose de publier des traductions des derniers développements et aussi des articles de mes archives parus depuis ce maléfique 11 mars.

August 19, 2011

NHK Special - Japan's Nuclear Crisis

Part 1

In this special documentary, NHK interviewed more than 200 people including government and TEPCO officials, experts, and engineers.
While reluctant, they agreed to speak with NHK. Some of the rather candid comments confirm that TEPCO, nor the Japanese government where adequately prepared for a disaster of this magnitude. The Economy, Trade, and Industry Minister, Banri Kaieda even made a rather damning remark (around the 4m30s mark in clip 1-A) that he could not deny there was a myth of safety regarding the nuclear power plants and that probably somewhere in their minds, they always felt that measures against emergency situations were unnecessary because such situations would never occur.
This 1 hour video is split into 4 parts and hosted on Dailymotion (so you'll need to put up with the advertisements automatically displayed) since it is blocked on YouTube.

Part 2

This is the 2nd part of a nuclear crisis documentary by NHK, where the impact of radiation contamination is found to be growing.
4 months after the March 11th quake and tsunami, researchers and scientists now have a far clearer picture of the events surrounding the Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and the amounts of radioactivity released into the environment.  As noted in part 1, officials severely underestimated the crisis at the power plant and were essentially complicit in their failure to act in a more decisive and urgent manner.  Furthermore, the reported amounts and spread of radioactive fallout were also underestimated.
Scientists are now beginning to understand how radioactive contamination spread after they were released from the power plant and the picture is not proving to be pretty.  Further monitoring is uncovering radioactive hotspots throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area.  This special documentary looks further into the growing impact of radiation from the Dai-ichi nuclear power plant by starting out from the areas adjacent to the crippled power plant, then out to a 100km (62 miles) radius, and then areas beyond where some of these hotspots have been found.
This 50 minute video is split into 4 parts and hosted on Dailymotion (so you'll need to put up with the advertisements automatically displayed) since this video is blocked on YouTube.

Part 3

This is the 3rd part of the nuclear crisis coverage by NHK, where a panel discusses whether or not nuclear energy is really needed in Japan.

August 2, 2011

Témoignage du professeur Tatsuhiko Kodama devant la Chambre basse du Parlement japonais

Le professeur Tatsuhiko Kodama est le chef du Centre des radioisotopes de l'université de Tokyo, la plus prestigieuse du Japon.

Le 27 juillet il a comparu devant le Comité de protection sociale et du travail de la chambre basse du parlement japonais pour apporter son témoignage sur la réponse donnée par le gouvernement jusqu'au présent face à la catastrophe nucléaire et la contamination qui en a résultée.

Première partie

Deuxième partie

Le nouveau service de Google de traduction automatique de la bande son des vidéos donne des résultats plus que satisfaisants. La personne qui a mis les deux en ligne a choisi l'anglais comme langue par défaut pour les sous-titres, mais il est possible de les faire apparaître en toute autre langue, français compris.

Procéder comme suit :

1. Choisir de voir la vidéo sur YouTube en cliquant le bouton Watch on YouTube, ou bien suivre ces liens directs : Part 1, Part 2
2. Appuyer sur le bouton CC se trouvant à droite dans la barre sous la vidéo,
il ouvre le menu Captions Options
3. Activer Transcribe Audio
4. Dans le menu déroulant Transcribe Captions sélectionner French-français,
ou toute autre langue qui vous convient ;)
5. Terminer par OK